Descubriendo el Desfiladero de la Hermida: una auténtica joya natural en España
El desfiladero de la Hermida, con sus imponentes 21 kilómetros de extensión y paredes casi verticales, se erige como el mayor desfiladero de España....
Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 a 14:00 | 15:00 a 18:00
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[email protected] Green park hotels & resorts The hotel is only 10 minutes driving distance from Ataturk International Airport, 5 minutes from CNR Exhibition center and very close to the main districts of Istanbul.||The hotel is far the best hotel among the airport hotels in Istanbul. This is the right choice to organise meetings or other social occasions such as weddings, conferences or seminars with its 5 state-of-the-art meeting rooms.
Nazim Erten Sok No 13 - Merter, Ataturk Airport Istanbul (34173 Estambul)